Design and build of the adaptation.

All minor adaptations will be dealt with by Amenity Ltd or the local relevant housing team and passed to an approved builder to arrange.

For all major adaptations you will receive an initial visit from Amenity Ltd or a member of your local housing team who will decide if the adaptation in achievable and workable in your home. There are several factors that can affect this decision and they include (but aren’t limited to) the current access to the home, the viability of what is being requested and in some cases the occupancy of the home.

If the adaptation isn’t suitable at this stage, then you might need to consider alternative housing options which Amenity Ltd maybe be able to help find. If the adaptation is considered appropriate then Amenity will be able to help with not only designing it, but also bringing in the right stakeholders to make all the necessary applications to planning and building control, building over sewer notices and party wall applications. Amenity will also help with appointing a suitable contractor and administering payments, as well as making sure that all work is done correctly.