Amenity Ltd
Are you or do you know someone looking to adapt their home to better suit their needs, or the needs of a member of the household, which arise from a disability, illness or health condition?
What is an adaptation?
An adaptation to the home makes it easier for someone living there who is struggling to manage. It can be a minor adaptation, such as handrails, stair rails, or grab rails. Alternatively, it can be a major adaptation, a stair lift, walk in shower, even a ground floor home extension.
Who can request an assessment for an adaptation?
Anyone living in their own home with needs arising from, or related to a physical or mental impairment, or illness, is entitled to an assessment for an adaptation.
An assessment can be requested for any of the following reasons:
You (or someone in the household) is having difficulties getting in or out of the bath, or shower
You (or someone in the household) is having difficulties accessing the toilet
You (or someone in the household) is having difficulties climbing the stairs
You (or someone in the household) is unable to get into the home safely.
What is the process for getting a home adaptation?
There is a four-step process: